Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Reaching Out

I have so many things that I need to get done each day. The necessities like; schooling the kids, laundry, preparing and cleaning up after three meals, my quiet time, keeping the house clean and orderly and so on. This doesn't even include the things I would like to get done each day like; time to myself, reading to the kids, computer time, or a shower (I suppose this could be a need). I rarely sit down. The needs of my life can be all-consuming. Each day I find myself so focused on getting done all the needs and wants done that I start to live life in survival mode. I find myself so consumed with all that is going on in the walls of my house that I forget to look outside those walls to the people around me and their needs. Right now I have a number of friends and some family members who have some big challenges in their lives. How do I best help them? They have all been the focus of my prayers lately, but I wonder if I could do more. God has blessed me with six great kids and a wonderful husband and I know they need to be my number one priority. I also know they are my first ministry at this stage of my life, but sometimes I wonder if I can do more. Sometimes I feel as if my husband and children being my first priority can be an excuse for me to not reach out to others.

How can I, a home school mother of six kids, look beyond my own household and help those around me? How can I show Christ's love to a dying world? How can I show my kids that more in life matters than the things of our own family? How can I help them have a passion for the lost people of the world? These are the desires of my heart and I believe the desires of God's heart as well.

I want to have open eyes to see those around me and their needs. I want to be willing to sacrifice my time and agenda to those around me when they are in need. I desire to be ever-attentive and sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and directing me to people who have a need I can help with. And if nothing else, I can pray for the ones the Spirit brings to mind.

1 comment:

Joni said...

I agree, Marti...prayer during this season of life is the ministry that goes so much further than you'll even know. And of course, I strongly echo what you said about the family being our first and primary ministry. Also, I think of ministry as a family thing...praying for others as a family during dinner time (we keep a basket on our table of missionaries that we know and the like) and also doing projects together that reach out to others, so that our children know that it's not "all about them." Just my two cents!

I'm adding this new blog to my blogroll, btw. I always hesitated to add your other one because it was more personal, etc. Let me know if adding this one is not okay.