Monday, February 16, 2009


How I make my nachos has been requested, thanks Malory. So here you go.

I brown about a pound and a half or so of ground beef (mince). I will only use half that and save either freeze the rest or this week I will use it in Taco salad. I just estimate because I buy Scottish beef at Costco, divide it and freeze it. After it is browned I add a packet of taco seasoning with the amount of water it calls for and a drained can of kidney beans. (If I freeze half the meat I do it after I add the beans and seasoning. This makes it quick and easy the next time we want nachos.) I warm the meat and beans through. Next, I cover my biggest cookie sheet in foil for easy clean up. I layer a whole bag of nacho chips, the meat, some salsa and some shredded cheese. I bake at 350 degrees F or 180 C for about 5-10 minutes until the cheese is melted.

That is it. So simple. You could add whatever your favorite toppings are as well. Like I said before, it is a perfect Sunday night dinner. The kids love it. I think I am close to having to make two trays. This past Sunday, we could have done with more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yum! thanks! :)