Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rest Time

When I meet new people for the first time or when I am hanging out with friends, I am frequently asked the question, "How do you do it (all)?" They say this in reference to having six kids under eight and home schooling them. In my head, I usually laugh at this question, because my life at home is way more chaotic than the way they are seeing it at the moment. I am can definitely put on a good show, sometimes. Aren't we all good at making our life look fine on the outside, when in reality on the inside we are feeling crazy, stressed, lonely, sad or overwhelmed?

Well, one of the ways that I stay sane is nap time/rest time every afternoon. Even if the kids seem like they don't need it. I do! When the clock hits two, everyone heads upstairs. The girls and the baby take a nap for a couple of hours, although I believe the time is shortening for the girls. The boys head to their rooms for rest time for one hour. They are allowed to read or play quietly. When they have gotten too loud, I have been known to rush to their rooms and demand them each to their own beds with books only. After I finish feeding the baby and laying him down (during which time, I have been known to fall asleep), I come downstairs have my quiet time, sleep, read, catch up on some chores, check blogs or pick up toys . This time in the afternoon is invaluable for me. After a morning of meeting all the demands of my children, trying to keep the house semi clean, preparing two meals, and doing school, I live for rest time. It is a time where I recharge, refocus and prepare for the afternoon and evening.

I would strongly recommend rest time to all those with children at home even if they have given up napping. If you have older children who aren't used to rest time, try it a little at a time. I would start with 15 minutes in their rooms and build up to whatever time you feel you need for yourself. It has become such a routine for us that all I have to say is rest time and everyone heads upstairs. Sometimes I wonder where a child is after lunch and I will find them in their rooms ready for rest time. Even though my kids won't admit it, they value rest time too. They each need a break from each other and some quiet time as well. As I have said before I need it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great advice! right now my down time is at bedtime, Jon puts Ivy to sleep and I get to catch up on blogs and chat with friends, or go out for coffee. That small amount of time alone does wonders!
Now I just need to be more organized and use nap time more effectively, like to put away all our clean clothes that are calling my name. :o)