Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thanksgiving Lapbook

I know it is almost Christmas, but I wanted to get this posted before I forget. For two weeks in November we worked on our second lapbook. This one was on Thanksgiving. Once again the kids had a blast making it. Some of the mini books they made were: comparing and contrasting our thanksgiving dinner with the one the Pilgrims and Indian's shared, definition of separatists, spelling words all relating to the first Thanksgiving, a map of the Pilgrim's journey, a picture of the Mayflower, who, what, when, where and why, and verses on being thankful. The kids were very proud of their hard work and loved showing it off.

They also enjoyed a party the day after Thanksgiving with some English friends. They shared their lapbook, read a story about Thanksgiving, made pilgrim and Indian hats, played a game and ate pumpkin cookies. All the kids had a great time. It was fun to share some of our culture and traditions.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Hi Marti! For some reason your family blog won't let me leave a comment so I wanted to on here. The pics. of your kids on the bed is just too cute. I love how Cason is still wearing his bead necklace and Anna has gotten so much more hair and it is so curly and cute. Can you believe our baby boys are almost 1??? I will think of Nate on Christmas day. Anyways, the kids are just so cute. I hope you all are doing well and that you have a very Merry Christmas!