Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Practicing the Presence

I have been reading The Practice of the Presence of God with Spiritual Maxims by Brother Lawrence. Wow, what a book. Brother Lawrence was a seventeenth-century French monk who practiced being in the presence of God all the time, no matter what he did. His job at the monastery was doing the dishes. In his book, he talks about how he experienced God's presence during his time of doing dishes as he did in prayer.

"The time of business," he said, "does not with me differ from the time of prayer; and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament."
Wow! I am only a little way through it because I am trying to take my time to take it all in. I can so relate to the "clatter of my kitchen" and the "several persons calling out." Isn't that the life of a mom?

I have always struggled to live in God's presence with all the noise, duties, children and excitement going on around me. My hearts desire is like that of Brother Lawrences of walking continually in God's presence. It is hard. I get distracted. I am now realizing why Brother Lawrence calls it the PRACTICE of the presence. It takes practice. My making Jesus my focus entirely each day won't happen perfectly every day. I need to practice doing it...moment by moment. I love this quote of his.

"That in order to form a habit of conversing with God continually, and referring all we do to Him, we must first apply to Him with some diligence; but that after a little care we should find His love inwardly excite us to it without any difficulty."

How I desire for His love to excite me to worship and adore him continually. I just get hung up by all the distractions. This book is definitely making me think and work on practicing God's presence. I am human and I will fail, but I will also grow as I seek His face in all that I do. My prayer is that not only do I grow, but that my children grow (to know God more) as they see a momma who seeks to know and honor God in all that she does, whether that be wiping dishes, bottoms, floors, noses, or tables.

On a practical side, how do you practice God's presence while life is bustling around you? Please comment. We could all use fresh ideas. I'll also try to remember to post other thoughts as I read through this book. If you don't have it yet, it is definitely worth picking up.

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