Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What Would You Do?

I spent a lot of time yesterday searching for the baby's favorite musical Mickey Mouse we got in Disney Land this fall. He just loves it and keeps it in bed with him. You pull Mickey's hat and music plays. Well, I searched, but never found it. I figured it would turn up. This morning as I was changing the baby my two year old daughter was in the room with me. I said out loud, "I wonder where Mickey is?" To this she replied, "in the diapets" (diapers), as she pointed to the diaper pail. I asked her who put Mickey in the diaper pail and she said, "me." This made me nervous. She seemed to know too much. I decided to check and sure enough there was Mickey in the diaper pail with all the stinky diapers. I pulled it out and it smells like Mickey spent the night with the diapers. This is where I need your help. Remember, the baby loves this toy and mommy loves this toy, because it helps baby go to sleep.

What would you do?
1. Throw Mickey in the garbage. The thought of giving it back to the baby is repulsive. Maybe the Disney store has one like it.
2. Give it back to the baby as is. GROSS!
3. Spray it down with Febreeze and then give it back to the baby. Remember Mickey has a music box inside so I can't put it in the wash, or I would certainly do that.
4. Other: (leave a comment with other suggestions.)

Please leave me a comment and help me make this tough decision. Gee, I wish I had a picture of the baby with Mickey. Thank you.


Unknown said...

I would find where the musical maker is inside Mickey and find the nearest seam, open it with a seam ripper, take the music maker out, pin the hole, wash it, air dry, and put music maker back in and sew close! I've done it with Kenai's toys before. :) Laura ( not Steve)

Holli said...

I would febrezze it and air it out!