Monday, January 5, 2009

Time with the Little Ones

I had some time with just the girls and the baby this morning while the older boys were out sightseeing with dad and some friends that are visiting. The girls were excited to be at home with just mom. I asked them what they wanted to do. They said, "Play Doh." One actually said, "the colored play doh." I made some gingerbread play doh right before Christmas and they have been playing with that. I have to admit I like the gingerbread one much better. It is cleaner and it smells so good. Anyways, we got out the colored play doh and they played for at least an hour and a half. The baby even joined in by sitting on my lap and playing with it. He tried to eat it a couple of times, but I told him no and he stopped putting it to his mouth and he just played with it. It was a really fun time with just the little ones. It is rare that I have time to sit down with just them. I must make more of an effort to do it more often.

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