Monday, February 16, 2009

Weekly Menu

Monday - Chicken rice casserole (thanks Holli)
Tuesday - Taco Salad, applesauce and graham crackers
Wednesday - Grilled cheese and Tomato soup, if I can find tomato soup at the store this week. They didn't have it last time. I get so frustrated at the store over here. One week they will have things, but then you can't ever find it again.
Thursday - Poppy Seed Chicken
Friday - Mini Pizzas on English Muffins
Saturday - Eating out or something quick from Costco, we will be out all day.
Sunday - Tuna Melts with chips

I will probably be baking some banana bread and some cookies this week too. Baking is really what I like to do. Dinner is just necessary. I do admit that having a plan makes dinner so much easier and pleasant.


Holli said...

your welcome but I also have to say thank you as I have been getting ideas off here for WEEKS! loved the chicken tortilla soup - but need to know what you put in for your crock pot spaghetti???? We actually had the Poppy Seed Chicken tonight (Corinna made it last week but gave you props for it!:)) Andy said it is his new favorite dish!
praying for tomorrows apt!!!!

Dawn said...

I just saw grilled cheese and tomato soup on another menu. It is one of my favorite comfort meals. Yummy!

And I just have to say that Poppy Seed Chicken rocks! Michelle Lyons brought it to one of our Mom's Life planning nights, and I have been hooked ever since.

Anonymous said...

okay, now I need to know how to make poppy seed chicken! especially after reading the above reviews!

we're in the middle of moving this week into a 4 bedroom house! I'm so excited to have my own kitchen again, so I've been collecting recipes like crazy! :)


Pam said...

Ok, so now I have to make the poppy seed Chicken dish after reading your reviews! What a neat idea Marti. Sharing your meal ideas on a blog. My family is too picky for me to plan a week of meals in advance, but kudos to you! I usually get the phone call in the afternoon enquiring as to my dinner plans, and it is either, "great" or "what else do you got?" lol